Get Non-Standard Auto Insurance in Quebec
Non-Standard Auto Insurance
Assurances Simon provides affordable non-standard insurance plans for Quebec motorists. You won’t believe how many drivers are considered “non-standard” or “high-risk”. Whether it’s age, claims, driving record, credit history, or any other factor, you shouldn’t have to sacrifice the quality of your insurance plan. Our brokers will find an affordable policy to suit your needs.
It’s important to have someone on your side. Let us support you.
What is non-standard auto insurance?
At the end of the day, insurance is all about statistics. Insurance companies have three types of customers: preferred, standard, and non-standard. In terms of premiums, preferred and standard customers tend to pay less than non-standard customers. Why is that?
Non-standard customers are seen as “more of a risk” to insurance companies. There are many factors that can lead to you being labeled as a non-standard customer. Sometimes, it can be something as simple as your age. Males under the age of 20 are statistically more of a road risk than males in their forties!
To make things simple, non-standard auto insurance is for customers that insurance companies have decided are too risky to insure at standard rates.
Who needs non-standard auto insurance
You can fall into the non-standard category for a number of reasons, including but not limited to:
● Age (less than 25 and older than 75)
● Bad credit
● Convictions (DUI, Reckless Driving, etc.)
● Poor driving record
● Lack of driving experience
● Excessive traffic violations
● Excessive speeding tickets
Is non-standard auto insurance more expensive than normal car insurance?
Yes, non-standard auto insurance is more expensive than standard car insurance. That being said, working with an experienced insurance broker like Assurances Simon can significantly lower the rate of your policy.
We work with all the major non-standard auto insurance companies in Canada. This gives us the flexibility to shop around for you and make sure you get the car insurance coverage you need for an affordable rate.